Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tyranny, a Post Completely Unrelated to Its Title

Today I have played a flash game named "Tyranny". It is a simple shooter game, short, sweet, yet to the point with it's message.

It is one of those "meta-games" that seem to be popping up all over the Internet these days. They really make you stop and think about life. I have no idea why the game is called Tyranny, but I think I "get" what this game is about. At first I thought that your own most hated enemy in the game was yourself, but that didn't quite seem to match the "theme" of the game, which was being Alone. So I looked at the comments and noticed other people who "got" the game but didn't really "get" it. So I will tell you what the game is about.

It's just like a "traditional" arcade shooter in the sense of traditional, but you aren't able to finish the game because the "final" enemy never comes. Instead you find yourself waiting, and waiting, for an enemy that never comes in. And finally, after several minutes of waiting, you actually start to "get" the purpose. The enemy never comes, you never "finish" the game and complete your mission, you end up left alone and stranded on an empty plain with no one else around, forever waiting for your enemy to arrive, which he never does.

In the end, we must realize that us humans cannot live alone. We thrive off other humans. Without others, we may find ourselves alone in this dismal plane of existence, like I. But, unlike I, you have other people you can depend on and love.

Just like this article and this blog, the protagonist in that game will always be waiting for his most hated enemy to appear. No, I don't mean that I am waiting for my most hated enemy to appear on my own blog. I mean that I am waiting for someone to actually read this and comment/follow the blog. Then again, like the protagonist in the game, I may be left alone here in my little blog, forever waiting for people to show up that may never come. But unlike the guy in the game, programmed to wait for eternity, I still have hope that someday people will come, and I won't be lonely anymore, stranded in this empty plane of existence. But I probably won't ever know until someone actually comes. I could be waiting for all eternity like the guy in the game. Until then, I will be over here in this little corner of the Internet, typing away at my computer.

And just like that, I am off.

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