Monday, December 19, 2011

Obtain Hats For Glory! The Hats Themselves Are Worthless.

This week I shall be looking at a little game called "Obtain Hats for Glory!" It is essentially your average platformer with some collecting sprinkled on top. It is rather short, with only around 10 small levels and 10 hats to collect in all, although the payoff is suggested to be worth the, admittedly, mediocre gameplay.

You play as a guy named Rob. Well, he looks more like a robot to me, but the other character in the game treats him as a human, or whatever species they may be. The plot is rather meek: Rob is told by some rich-looking guy named Chapsworth that he must collect some top hats for him so that Rob can earn Riches and Glory. Well, mostly Glory, whatever "Glory" in the context of the game might be. In the end, after collecting all 10 hats, Chapsworth takes the hats Rob collects and flies away on a hot air balloon, leaving Rob cold and confused.
Rob asks what happened to the glory Chapsworth promised, and Chapsworth replies that it's "in the post", whatever that means.

Anyways, let's start from the beginning. Why must we collect hats for this weird stranger? We can safely assume that Rob probably isn't very popular, because if he was, then he probably wouldn't need the "glory" Chapsworth promises and take the time to be collecting these hats for him. Now, why in the world would Chapsworth need these hats? He claims that it is because hats seem to be all the rage these days. So this could lead to two possibilities for why he needs the hats. A, he wants to sell the hats Rob finds to make a quick buck, or B, he, too, is a loner like Rob and wants his hats to make himself feel like a part of the community.

It is human nature to want the companionship of other, fellow humans. Us humans are a race of teamwork. If we were without other humans, we wouldn't be able to hold our own against the other creatures in the wild. Why, without other fellow humans helping us, we would soon succumb to evil bacteria, if not being eaten/killed by bigger, more horrific creatures than we.
 And you should know that I regularly compare "the wild" with "the Internet". So what I mean by these statements are that, like in Real Life, you also need friends on the Internet. Without any actual companionship, your life here would consist of dodging hostile enemies and living by yourself. Your Internet loneliness may as well bleed into your real life and ruin it for the bad. You see, once you step into the "World Wide Web", as it is also known, you, too may find yourself helplessly lost. That is why I am here to help guide you through your stay on the Internet.

It is always fun to do things with your friends, both on the Internet and in Real Life. Although, like our protagonist Rob in the game, we may find ourselves with people who aren't really our friends. These people may come in many different packages, though they all have the common purpose of taking advantage of you, or most of all, getting a kick out of your emotional reactions once they leave you. No, this doesn't mean you need to be paranoid about everyone, you don't need to harden your shell, just be wary out there. This game helps show how you can tell if someone is truly your friend or not, but I bet you can figure that out by yourself.

Well, this post is getting long now, so I must be off.

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